How My Human Coach Works

Benefits of Text-Based Coaching:

  • It is really flexible! There are no phone or video appointments to keep, so you get to decide when, where, and how often you want to message your personal coach.
  • You read and send messages at your convenience – and your coach will ALWAYS work at your pace! Some people ask their coach to check in with them once a week, while others prefer to message whenever things come up. You and your coach will work together to find a rhythm that works best for you.

  • There may be times you message your coach daily, and other times you want to step back and take a break – and that’s always okay!
  • There are no required food logs, games, or tracking apps. If you want to use an app, choose any app you prefer and simply send your coach any relevant information you want to share with them. You and your coach can discuss the benefits of things like food logging, step counting, or mood tracking, however, none of these are required, as we want to build a plan that is right for you.
  • The My Human Coach app is HIPAA compliant to ensure your privacy. We do not collect or share personal data or promote products. You can use a phone, tablet or laptop to message with your coach.

Some Drawbacks to Text-Based Coaching:

  • Your coach is 100% human, so they will have days when they’re out sick, taking care of family members, or on vacation! (When this happens, we will let you know, and another professional coach will be available to answer questions until your personal coach returns!)
  • You may wait until the next business day to hear back from your coach.
  • Text messaging is the method of communicating with your personal health & wellness coach. Our team has worked with thousands of clients using this asynchronous, text-based coaching model and has seen firsthand the positive impact it has in helping people improve their well-being and achieve health goals!

  • To learn more about if coaching is right for you, please see our Frequently Asked Questions.

Sign Up For 1:1 Coaching

Reach your goals with the support of a dedicated, professional health & wellness coach.

A My Human Coach subscription is for unlimited, asynchronous text-based health coaching with your personal, certified health coach available Monday-Friday.*

You can purchase a 3, 6, or 12-month subscription and pay month-to-month after that, canceling anytime you feel ready.

Articles and self-paced courses are always FREE. You may share them with anyone, and you will not need a subscription to access them.

*Your coach is 100% human and, therefore sometimes needs to do things like go on a vacation or take a sick day – but no worries! When your coach is away they will let you know ahead of time (if possible), and another coach will always be made available to support you and answer questions you have until your coach returns. If you message on the weekend or a holiday, your coach will be sure to get back to you the following business day!

Frequently Asked Questions

We believe good health is whole health. People working to reach a healthy weight often have to consider additional factors like emotions, environment, relationships, and personal history in addition to monitoring calories. And, over time, your priorities may change- which is totally fine!! Weight loss might be your initial focus that temporarily shifts to managing stress, lowering cholesterol, parenting, or even recovering from an injury. Your personal health coach works with you on whatever aspect of your health, or lifestyle, you wish to prioritize.

At My Human Coach, coaches are all humans with their own personal struggles. We’re parents, partners, coworkers, and community members with our own health challenges and health goals – we’ve been there! We have failed, we have struggled, we have triumphed, and we know exactly what it is like to want to make changes but not quite be able to get there.

As coaches we are also trying to make healthier choices, feel good, and take better care of ourselves and the people we love. We know firsthand how hard it can be to be human, and how helpful it is to have someone by your side when you’re trying to make important changes. You don’t have to do this alone!

Health and wellness coaches are not the same as therapists. Health coaching focuses on looking forward, exploring the strengths you have today and how these can help you achieve your goals. Coaches can help you implement recommendations made by a mental health provider and support lifestyle changes that may improve your well-being, but diagnosing and treating mental health conditions is out of scope for health & wellness coaches. If we believe you need a type of support that we cannot legally provide we will let you know, and do our best to help you access it.

Whenever you decide to be done! You choose the amount of time that works for you.

Only if you want to! You’ll work with your personal health coach to figure out what is the right fit for you. If you want to use a food logging or other type of tracker, you can use whatever app you prefer. Then you can choose to share (or not) screenshots and information with your coach that you feel is relevant to your goals.

Being a small, employee-owned company means our coaches get to decide how we coach! There are no executives, shareholders, or product managers influencing our decisions. We do not embed products, or promote medication. Our coaches teamed up to create My Human Coach because we are passionate about taking care of people and providing excellent health & wellness coaching, while making a reasonable living wage.

There are no hierarchies here and no one is separate from the important work coaches do. Our leadership team is also coaching so they are personally connected to the mission and purpose of My Human Coach—our clients. Any profits we make are reinvested in our team and product.

Our coaches create and vet all the content on We use evidence-based research to explore topics in depth. And you never have to take our word for it – we will link directly to source materials so if you want to investigate more you can.

We believe impartial health information should be available to everyone who needs it. When searching online about a health topic, people often end up on sites that market or promote products, sometimes surreptitiously. We offer people the information and resources they need to be healthier without the influence of for-profit motives.

Our only product is 1:1 health coaching. Our coaches may use these same articles to help our clients succeed with their health goals yet you do not need coaching or a subscription to access articles or self-paced courses. They are FREE to everyone with our without a subscription.


We coaches are committed to providing, to the best of our ability, culturally sensitive health coaching, and we welcome, without judgment, all sizes, colors, ages, abilities, genders, races, orientations, and affiliations. Our mission is to make good health accessible to everyone. Come as you are – you will always be met with human compassion, empathy and support.

Our coaches come from a variety of backgrounds and experiences. We are personal trainers, nutritionists, mental health providers, doulas, nurses, and military veterans. In our blog and podcasts coaches talk about a variety of topics including views about how culture affects health, different approaches to health and well-being, social determinants of health, and more. These are not the views of My Human Coach as an organization. Instead they are platforms for individual coaches to share their personal experiences and subject matter expertise, as well as their passion for coaching and improving the health of individuals and communities.

You can sign up here for a subscription. You can choose monthly payments and cancel any time.

If you are a physician, therapist or other health care provider you can access a coaching referral form here.

If you are a business owner looking to provide 1:1 human coaching as a benefit to your employees please see our brochure.

We use a proven model of asynchronous text-based coaching so all of your communication with your coach will be through messaging. At this time, My Human Coach does not provide phone or video coaching. You can message your coach anytime and they will respond within 24 hours M-F.

Your coach will work with you to identify your strengths and vision for your future. You will collaborate with your coach to determine what resources you may need, and what steps will help you move closer to your goals. It may not seem like much at first, but over time small changes can add up to big results! Your coach offers the personalized support you may need along the way and you work with them for as long or as short as you choose. Youalways set the pace and have the final say in what you want to prioritize and which choices you wish to make.

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